Fascinating tragedy

[ Logo: Old Ruins ]
Title: Always Heading East
Base: Gelsenkirchen • Germany
Style: Black Metal
Genre: Melodic Death Metal, Black Metal, Post Black Metal, Atmospheric Black Metal
FFO: Early In Flames, Children Of Bodom, Arch Enemy, Tribulation
Type: Full-length
Format: CD + Vinyl
Label: Doc Gator Records
Release: Sept. 15, 2023
𝗢𝗟𝗗 𝗥𝗨𝗜𝗡𝗦 ⚠️ 🎧 𝗦𝗣𝗢𝗧𝗜𝗙𝗬 Alert🤘 • Feel free to share:
[ Official Video ]
🔘 The top debut album of the capable Germans
🔘 Individual, also vocally highly distinctive style
🔘 Melodic-catchy, gripping Black Metal
OLD RUINS can be rightly classified as BLACK METAL, whereby the resourceful German formation has created its own, very individual style with many influences from the areas of Heavy, Doom and Melodic Metal and is thus a very appreciated term to a large part of the underground scene already since their first demos on YouTube.

[ Pic: Anna-Lena Hickmann ]
Christian Krajewski • Lead Guitars, Vocals
Ersin Kara • Guitars
Oliver Krajewski • Bass
Alexander Czernik • Drums
OLD RUINS also made first plans for their stage debut, but the Lord Of Destruction had other plans and brought the world a pandemic. However, OLD RUINS were not discouraged by this and began in August 2020 with the recordings of the completely convincing 6-track debut EP „Old Ruins“, which physically and digitally passed the gates of hell on November 06, 2020 and brought darkness from the heart of the Ruhr area over Tristram.
On September 15, 2023, OLD RUINS will release their first long-player entitled „Always Heading East“ on Doc Gator, with which the record company proves exquisite taste.
OLD RUINS was founded in 2019 and was initially supposed to be a pure studio project of drummer Alexander Czernik and singer/lead guitarist Christian Krajewski. But the thus only really hungry players quickly developed a damn dark, very atmospheric sound, which is still not easy to categorize and which remains not least because of this permanently as fascinating as exciting and wear-free.

[ Artwork: Timon Kokott ]
01. The Dark Wanderer 06:56
02. Tristram 04:56
03. The Desert Sands 04:55
04. Risen From The Grave 07:03
05. The Fallen Temple 06:50
06. Mephisto 05:41
07. Lord Of Hell 04:07
08. Sescheron 04:59
total 45:27
Inspired by their ingenious concept, they completed the line-up with Oliver Krajewski on bass and Ersin Kara on guitar. About their debut album „Always Heading East“ the conspiratorial gloomy souls say:
“The lyrics lyrically refer to the video game classic ‚Diablo‘ from Blizzard. The dark atmosphere of the game has always fascinated us immensely. Whether the tragic story without any happy ending, or the neglected (sound)worlds on ‚Always Heading East‘ were the main inspiration is hard to say today“, but „when you close your eyes and put the record on, you really dive into the mystical story of the dark wanderer“, Christian Krajewski raves fervently, adding: „If you’re not versed in the history of the video game, you can still immerse yourself in the dark musical world of the album and enjoy the soothingly atmospheric Black Metal sound. „
Where Iron Maiden have to deal with only one beast, the brave warriors of OLD RUINS are exposed to numerous spawns of hell. Face to face they bravely take on MEPHISTO the Lord Of Hate, LILITH – Daughter Of Mephisto and Queen Of The Succubi, TATHAMET The Seven-headed Dragon and BAAL The Lord Of Destruction.
Follow these exceptionally talented German top artists on their new adventures in „Always Heading East“ and dive into a dark, atmospheric sound experience of a very special kind – inspired by the legendary world of Diablo!
2020 • Old Ruins • EP
2023 • Always Heading East • Full-length
OLD RUINS are available for interviews via phone, Skype, Zoom & email
🌐 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙤 & 𝙋𝙍:
𝗠𝗘𝗧𝗔𝗟 𝗠𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗔𝗚𝗘 ᴳᴸᴼᴮᴬᴸ • 𝐸𝓈𝓉. 2001
10 / 10
➤ „… explosive mixture … epic … melancholic … great melodies … predominantly midtempo … the vocals put the crown on the whole thing …“
9,5 / 10
➤ „OLD RUINS deliver a tour de force on their full-length debut, combining the raw frenzy of Black Metal with exquisite melodies and riffs from Heavy and Epic Metal. This album is by no means just a homage to a cult game, but skillfully forged black stainless steel!“
9 / 10
➤ „… a dark, atmospheric album, coupled with influences from Death Metal and doom, as well as from classic Heavy Metal … anyone who likes dark and atmospheric Black Metal should definitely risk an ear here …“
(Moshpit Passion)
8,7 / 10
➤ „… an album rich in detail, full of subtleties … multi-layered in its orientation, but still at home in melodic Black Metal. A promising newcomer, of whom you certainly haven’t heard the last … my insider tip for this month. Strong.“
(Zephyr’s Odem)
8,5 / 10
➤ „… a heavyweight … jewel …“
8,5 / 10
➤ „… Krajewski’s harsh vocals are typical for the genre, but his fine guitar leads and harmonies are worthy of any Epic Metal combo and have nothing to do with some blind bludgeoning from the Black Metal mud corner. By the way, this also applies to the production …“
8,5 / 10
➤ „This is how Melodic Black Metal must be. Here, a black dripping atmosphere is conjured out of the hat … falling for the melancholy of the black vocals … strong riffing, which could almost be classified as heavy metal … this Black’n’Heavy mixture is a great mood, doesn’t let boredom arise and immediately runs into the auditory canals to burn itself there …“
8 / 10
➤ „… very great sounding atmospheric and melodic mixture of Black, Death, Doom and Heavy Metal …“
(A Different Shade Of Black Metal)
8 / 10
➤ „Rounded off by an oldschool but nevertheless tidy and powerful production that should satisfy purists as well as friends of modern Metal productions. Let’s hope that the Ruhr area formation will follow this promising starting signal with many more releases, because here we could have a very exciting new entry in the black metal lexicon. And in such a hopelessly overrun genre, this fact alone is a small accolade!“
(Powermetal DE)
8 / 10
➤ „… epic sound that lies somewhere between late-80s Bathory, mid-range Immortal, early In Flames and Dissection … while not missing out on great melodies and clear references to classic Heavy Metal … melancholy and epicness are the two cornerstones …“
(Metal DE)
8 / 10
➤ „… works excellently over the entire playing time … varied, full of strong melodic arcs … with numerous, successful epic moments … the so-called Gothenburg sound as well as Doom and Death Metal are also cleverly integrated … appealing level … the production is quite powerful and relatively modern, more like a Power Metal record … all kinds of subtleties make this album a feast for the ears …“
12 / 15
➤ „… should convince not only the quality-conscious Black- but also the inclined Epic-Metaller …“
(Legacy Magazin)
7,5 / 10
➤ „… score with a proper Heavy Metal attitude … spirit meets melancholy and finds a nice balance … the songs are varied, but always have their own style and sound homogeneous … everything sounds like from one cast … interesting and detailed, without overwhelming … comparisons to Alcest, but also newer Tribulation spontaneously come to mind …“
(Crossfire Webzine)
3,7 / 5
➤ „… sounds like dark big battles … besides genre-typical jangling and tremolo riffs there is also a good portion of Power, Thrash and Death Metal … partly almost traditional metal underpinnings. That makes mood. The sound is also not cold and clanking, but quite dense and fat … a plus of atmosphere even reminds something of the Irish Primordial … quite surprising …“
(Handwritten Mag)
7 / 10
➤ „It almost feels like there is a hidden meaning underneath the surface of Christian Krajewski’s vocals with a fresh emotive quality rising to the surface from the black depths, something which works very well … despite being shrouded in a cloak of darker atmospheres there is a real sense of epic majesty …“
(Metal Noise)
7 / 10
➤ „… a heavy reliance on melody … not afraid to measure themselves with less explosive but still rocky dynamics … great passion of the musicians involved …“
(Heavy Metal Webzine IT)
➤ „OLD RUINS do a lot of things right on their debut ‚Always Heading East‘, above all they know how to create an atmosphere that sweeps the listener along and where it doesn’t matter if you know the source of inspiration or set off ignorantly down the dark paths to Tristram. Black/heavy/doom metal that isn’t hard to digest and is fun to listen to.“
➤ „… they master a broader spectrum of Metal music … sounds sharp and does not have the atmosphere that the representatives of the genre usually aim for … compositionally it is also quite edgy, but this is due to the organisational talent that seems to generally characterise these creators … the melodic moments are pronounced … carry something distinctive …“
(Flight Of Pegasus)
➤ „In many ways, the album hits those emotions that grab you, consume you and at the same time are delivered so (almost) elegantly that you just want more all the time … there are elements of several branches of Metal, but imagine some of the early In Flames, a little Children Of Bodom, a little Arch Enemy and then add a little Tribulation and mix it well together, and you have the sound of OLD RUINS – presented here on a really good album that will surely appeal to many.“
(Rancor Metalzine)
➤ „A crushing Heavy/Post Black Metal album. It’s heavy. It hits hard. At the same time, it’s also beautiful and soaring high with its elegant moments that can touch your very soul. A moving record while being brutal with a high-dynamic sound.“
➤ „Dissection/(early) In Flames/Dark Tranquillity meets Epic Heavy Metal in all its powerful, enthralling, captivating glory. High Heavens, Burning Hells!“
➤ „… much to love about this … heavy, but often not blistering, with headbanging beats and hypnotic riffs … the subtle Black Metal influence is there, without OLD RUINS having to rely on it much, creating a unique sound … great …“
(Wanna Hear a Great Song Today?)
➤ „… clear recommendation … melodic guitar harmonies … OLD RUINS are clever songwriters and change tempo and mood in pretty much all tracks again and again, so that no boredom arises … really strong album, somewhere between Black and Heavy Metal, whereby the latter clearly predominates … is really fun … I had not expected otherwise after the great EP …“
➤ „… very atmospheric … influences from Melodic Metal clearly recognisable … slight doom influences that give the songs more depth and balance, making them even more accessible than they already are … perfectly staged and also produced … professionals at work …“
➤ „… imagine some early In Flames, some Children Of Bodom, some Arch Enemy and then add a little Tribulation and mix it all together well, presented on a really good album that I’m sure many will enjoy.“
(Metaltone DK)
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