Freitag, 30. April 2021

Glorious mastery!

In the metallic triumphant and artistically timeless noble tradition of eternal cult greats like Helstar, Vicious Rumors, Jag Panzer, Agent Steel and Nevermore, these five Turkish thrashers cultivate their stirringly intense material.

And the seemingly programmatic band name is not deceptive in the slightest, because it simply covers what they offer perfectly! When VENGEFUL GHOUL first came into existence in 2005 in the metropolis of Istanbul, the first participants immediately realized that musically they are clearly called to higher things …

On April 17, 2021, VENGEFUL GHOUL revealed the cover art of their brand new single „Back To War“ from the upcoming 2nd album „Infestation“!

„Back To War“, recorded at Ruthless Crow Studios, Istanbul, will be available for all digital platforms on May 7, 2021.
This is how it should be:
the new track was mixed & mastered by renowned sound guru Jens Bogren at famous Fascination Street Studios, Örebro. Hugely appreciated Bogren also did the final mastering for „Timeless Warfare“ and the Swede delivered a really brilliant job for this.

[ Artwork: Senem Ündemir ]

Accordingly, the songs of the technically top trained commando remind much more of fervent incantations than of regular genre songs. And so the violently gripping POWER THRASH METAL of the massively talented overpressure band matured remarkably fast to a damn substantial recipe, as the band showed 2014 with the multiple excellent debut album „Timeless Warfare“.

After the 2006 demo „Premier Fury“ and the 2013 e-single „Ruthless Crow“, VENGEFUL GHOUL thus returned very strong. Vocalist Emre Kasapoğlu and rhythm guitarist Senem Ündemir together with their formation have been gripped by the desire for the heaviest Thrash rage as thoroughly as lastingly, as can be clearly heard on this killer disc!

[ Pic: Irene Bernad ]

The all-around demanding quintet leaves in the amazingly cleverly structured compositions neither original ideas, explosive riff outbreaks nor a far-reaching distinctive playing culture missing. Also sophisticated arrangements are a matter of honor for these high-level musicians.

Progressive passages are interwoven just as skillfully and with clearly audible success, so that the whole thing remains permanently exciting. Provided with traditional Heavy Metal elements, the numbers of the juicy record gain more memorable significance with every play.

Ultimately, the deeply determined Bosphorus troupe knows how to pile up their very own mix of glorious US Metal mastery and a very own, consistently authentic attitude symbolically miles high! (Markus Eck)

VENGEFUL GHOUL is available for interviews via phone, Skype & email !

Emre Kasapoğlu • Vocals
Senem Ündemir • Guitars
Emre Altinok • Bass
Volkan Beykoz • Drums

2014 • Timeless Warfare (Full-length)
2021 • Back To War (Single)




„VIII • Immortal Euphoria!“

Artwork: Fastner & Larson

Quality instead of quantity, class instead of mass!

„VIII • Immortal Euphoria!“, the successor to the 2019 released compilation „VII • Respect The Steel“, proudly presents 15 Rock & Metal hopefuls, once again far off the undignified constructed mainstream.

The classic designed cover artwork comes from the capable hands of Minnesota based illustrators Steve Fastner & Rich Larson.
The duo with the original style already provided album covers for bands like Overkill, Intruder and Powermad.

As always compiled with immense love, dedication and effort, the exquisite qualitative style variation of „VIII • Immortal Euphoria!“ ranges from diverse, crisp Rock styles to epically uplifting Heavy Metal, deeply touching Doom Metal, whipping Thrash Metal and catchy Melodic Death Metal to gripping atmospheric Black Metal:

METAL is the MESSAGE … and the MESSAGE is LOUD !

01. ROCKIN‘ ENGINE (Canada) „Let It Burn“
02. ANTRISCH (Germany) „Gipfelfieber“
03. UNDER SIEGE (Italy) „Sotto Assedio“
04. CULT OF SALEM (Germany) „Anthem To An Outer God“
05. COLDUN (Germany) „Grand Sun Ritual“
06. VARUS (Germany) „Tränk dein Herz“
07. HARDLAND (Netherlands) „Rise And Shine“
08. LORDS OF SALEM (Germany) „Hell Over Salem“
09. THE FIFTH HORSEMAN (Germany) „The Void“
10. TASKFORCE TOXICATOR (Germany) „Reborn In Thrash“
11. NEMESIS SOPOR (Germany) „Eis zu Stein I – Wind“
12. SNAKEWINE (Germany) „Black Hood“
13. ON ATLAS‘ SHOULDERS (Germany) „The Executioner“
14. RAVENFIELD (Germany) „Self Destruction“
15. HAND OF KALLIACH (Scotland) „White Horizon“ 

released April 18, 2021

Cover art: Fastner & Larson

Compilation Overview:

Freitag, 23. April 2021


Jetzt wird’s zünftig!

HEATHEN FORAY melden sich zurück!
Am 07. Mai 2021 veröffentlichen die Grazer eine spezielle Coverversion des österreichischen Multi-Platin-Hits „Steirermen San Very Good“ des weit über die dortigen Landesgrenzen hinaus berühmt gewordenen, volkstümlichen Trios Die Stoakogler:

[ Artwork: Heathen Foray ]

2018 feierten die drei Stoakogler ihr 50-jähriges (!) Jubiläum als Musikgruppe, was sogar in der volkstümlichen Musikwelt eine eher seltene Feierlichkeit darstellt.

Axeman Jürgen Brüder kommentiert das aktuelle Artwork von „Steirermen San Very Good“:
„Darauf sieht man den Schädel eines Hirsches. Der hängt bei den Wildingers (Max, Bass & Alex, Gitarre) beim Opa am Haus. Da haben wir die neuesten Bandfotos aufgenommen und der fiel mir sofort ins Auge. Der Hirschschädel schaut zum einen echt super nach Metal aus, andererseits hat er etwas Heidnisches an sich und steht drittens wohl auch für etwas. Wofür genau? Für alte, verwesende Traditionen, die niemand mehr braucht? Für den Tod, der uns alle dereinst einmal ereilen wird? Für all die Virus-Schrecken des letzten Jahres 2020? Der weiß/grüne Anstrich repräsentiert die Flagge unserer Heimat, der Steiermark. Durch das Ganze scheint der ‚Dachstein‘, der höchste Gipfel in der Steiermark, aus dem Hintergrund durch. Die Triskele rechts unten ist seit dem ‚Weltenwandel‘-Album bei uns im Einsatz als alternatives Band-Logo. Und weil der neue Single-Song ohnehin nur auf Spotify etc. kommt, haben wir auf jeglichen additionalen Text verzichtet.“

[ Robert Schroll • Vocals • Foto: Heathen Foray ]

Hier kann man den Song „Steirermen San Very Good“ für Spotify vorbestellen:




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